Sanford High Class Challenge
Rally your classmates and help us dress up Sanford High School AND support charitable giving back to students across all grades in all Sanford schools. Classes get their pick of two designs, below,
2x5-feet in dimension. Pole space for the flags in the high school parking lot are available on a
first-come, first-serve basis, subject to school administration's discretion.
We invite you to challenge your classmates!
Cost is a $1,250 tax-deductable donation to the nonprofit Legacy Foundation. You may pay
by check, made payable to the Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation (a 501c3 organization),
to 917 Main St., Suite 200, Sanford, ME 04073. Please put your class year in the memo.
Or via PayPal, button below:
Class of 2005: $50
**Class of 2002: $1,250**
Class of 2001: $275
Class of 2000: $515
Class of 1996: $75
Class of 1993: $275
Class of 1988: $325
Class of 1986: $600
Class of 1983: $500
**Class of 1982: $1,250**
**Class of 1981: $1,250**
**Class of 1980: $1,410**
Class of 1978: $500
**Class of 1976: $1,250**
Class of 1972: $200
Class of 1971: $275
Class of 1966: $250
*updated Jan. 12, 2025
Your choice of banners, with your class year on it