Invest in your community
The Legacy Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization, was created to encourage individuals and corporations to provide financial and in-kind support to Sanford Schools. When you give to the Foundation, you make an investment in the future of our students by affording the opportunity to enhance educational opportunities that may otherwise be unavailable due to state funding shortfalls and restrictions. When you give, you open up possibilities for the next generation of our community.
You may also pay by check, made payable to
the Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation (a 501c3 organization),
to 917 Main St., Suite 200, Sanford, ME 04073. Please be sure to name
the specific fund-raising campaign in the memo.
There are many ways you can support Sanford students, faculty and programs. Your gift may be unrestricted or you may restrict your donation and designate it to apply to a specific program, purpose or endowment fund. Most contributions qualify as charitable deductions through federal and state income taxes. As with all financial considerations, discuss potential tax advantages and other aspects of giving with financial experts.
Here are some options:
Naming and Sponsorship Opportunities
Name a classroom or name a locker room, there are many options name your business or remember a loved one who made an impact in your life by naming a public space for them.
Gifts of gratitude
Give a gift in honor of a loved one or in remembrance of family, friends and loved ones, human and animal, who have touched your life. Make a tribute to a teacher a student in a meaningful way to recognize and
acknowledge the profound impact they have had
on your life or the life of others.
Have a Seat campaign
The Sanford Schools Legacy Foundation invites you to name a seat and become a permanent part of the Sanford Performing Arts Center.
Plan your giving

Charitable gifts extend your generosity into the future, help meet your philanthropic goals, and show your support and appreciation for the Sanford School system and its mission.