Providing students with endless career opportunities!
Career & Technical Education
Career and Technical Education (or CTE) is designed to educated students in a variety of college and career options using applied learning. Many students earn industry certifications and/or college credit.
The Sanford Regional Technical Center provides skilled workers to meet the changing needs in today's economy and allows students to explore a wide variety of career opportunities as they plan for the future.

Career & Technical Education Features
New programs: Automotive Collision, Culinary Arts, Cosmetology and Early Childhood Occupations and Education
Existing SRTC programs: Academy of Business, Automotive Technology, Building Trades, Computer and Network Systems, Digital Design, Electrical Wiring, Emergency Medical Services, Engineering Applications with Robotics, Engineering & Architectural Design, Fire Science, Health Occupations, Landscaping and Horticulture, Law Enforcement, Precision Manufacturing, Video Production and Welding/Metal Fabrication
Retail Spaces
Innovative features: business incubator space, which allows the community to access services to assist in business development and state-of-the-art lab
Naming Rights and Investment Opportunities
CTE labs/classrooms
Specialized CTE equipment
SRTC restaurant

Map of Sanford Regional Technical Center partnerships with other regional schools.
Sanford Regional Technical Center
SRTC Enrollment 2017-18
Kennebunk 20
Marshwood 63
Massabesic 117
Noble 105
Sanford 111
Traip Academy 12
Wells 17
York 24
Total: 469
Sanford Regional Technical
Mission Statement
The Sanford Regional Technical Center provides students quality technical training, career awareness and employability skills to effectively assist them in their career choices.